Social Login Policy


When you choose to log in using social media accounts on our website, you grant us permission to collect certain information from your social profiles. This information is used to create and manage your user profile on our platform. We respect your privacy, and here’s what you need to know:


Information We Collect from Social Login:
  1. Basic Profile Information:

    • First name, last name, email address.
    • Link to your social media profile.
  2. Unique Identifier:

    • A unique identifier associated with your social media account.
  3. Profile Avatar:

    • Link to social profile avatar or the social profile avatar itself (in the case of Facebook and LinkedIn login).


How We Use Social Login Information:
  1. User Profile Creation:

    • The collected information is used to create and manage your user profile on our website.
  2. Personalization:

    • To enhance your experience by personalizing content and recommendations based on your social profile.
  3. Communication:

    • If you opt-in, we may use your email address for promotional communications. You can manage your communication preferences.


Revoking Consent:

You have the right to revoke your consent for Social Login at any time. You can do this from your profile page on our website or by sending us an email.


Third-Party Social Networks:

Please note that your use of Social Login is governed by the privacy policies of the respective social networks. We recommend reviewing these policies to understand how they handle your data.

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